Abdellah Taïas Queer Migrations: Non-places, Affect, and Temporalities (After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France)
by Ralph Heyndels,Olivier Le Blond,Daniel Maroun,Ryan K. Schroth,Jean-Pierre Boulé,Thomas Muzart,Philippe Panizzon,Antoine Idier,Abdellah Taïa,Denis M. Provencher,Siham Bouhamer
Abdellah Taïas Queer Migrations: Non-places, Affect, and Temporalities (After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France)
by Ralph Heyndels,Olivier Le Blond,Daniel Maroun,Ryan K. Schroth,Jean-Pierre Boulé,Thomas Muzart,Philippe Panizzon,Antoine Idier,Abdellah Taïa,Denis M. Provencher,Siham Bouhamer
ISBN 13: 9781793644862
Format: Hardcover
(328 pages)
Publisher: Lexington Books
Published: 15 Jul 2021
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